2 Ways That A Personal Injury Attorney Will Help You With A Slip And Fall Case

A slip and fall case is a very common personal injury case that occurs when someone ends up slipping and injuring themselves on another person's private or commercial property due to negligence on the part of the property owner. Negligence can include everything from having insufficient lighting on the property to failing to clear snow from walkways. Listed below are two ways that a personal injury attorney can help you with a slip and fall case.

Inspect The Property

One of the first things that the personal injury attorney will do when you hire them is to pay a visit to the property where the accident occurred. A major reason for this is to see if the property owner has taken any steps to cover up the cause of your fall. For example, if you happened to fall because of a loose step, missing handrails, flooring that is in poor shape, or a lack of lighting, the attorney will check to see if the property owner has made recent repairs to those issues.

Now, this may very well be a legitimate move on the part of the property owner to protect his or her visitors and customers, but this is not always the case. In many cases, the property owner will make the repairs in order to attempt to claim that no negligence was involved in your fall in an attempt to get the case dismissed. However, if your attorney can find obvious signs of repair in the exact spot where your accident occurred, he or she can make it much harder for the property owner to get the case dismissed.

Interview Visitors To The Property

Another way that a personal injury attorney will attempt to help you and improve your case is to interview frequent visitors to the property where the accident occurred and speak to any people who live near the property. The reason for this activity is to find evidence that the property owner frequently neglects to properly maintain the property. For example, your will be looking for any testimonies from visitors to the property that state that the owner frequently neglects to clean up spills in a timely fashion, leaves snow and ice in the entryway for long periods of time, and other issues that can strengthen your case by confirming that the property owner has a history of negligence.

Make an appointment with a local personal injury attorney to discuss what your options are after you have been injured due to a fall that you believe was caused by negligent behavior. A personal injury attorney can help you by inspecting the property where the accident took place and by interviewing visitors to the property to discover if there is a pattern of negligent behavior on the part of the property owner.
