Is Silicosis Affecting Your Life? What You Should Do

Silicosis is a serious lung problem that occurs due to exposure to what is known as silica, a type of mineral in various stones and rocks. When a person breathes in silica and it gets into the lungs, it can cause serious health problems and complications. If your life is being affected by silicosis, whether it is you or another person in your life suffering from the condition, get to know some of the things that you can and should do while you are dealing with this serious medical condition. Then, you can be sure that you are doing everything that you can to best manage the situation.

Consider Applying for Social Security Disability

If your silicosis (or that of your loved one) is severe enough to require bed rest or to keep you from being able to pursue gainful employment, then one of the first steps you should take (aside from getting medical treatment) is to apply for Social Security disability. This can help you to have a monthly income even though you will not be able to work because of your medical condition.

The application process for Social Security disability can take a prolonged period of time. Because of this, the sooner you begin the process the better. You will fill out your basic information on the application. You will also need the physician that is treating you to sign off on your condition and provide documentation of it. Once you apply, you may need to have more information and documentation submitted as well as wait for the government to assess your application and process it. If your application is rejected, you can appeal and reapply, but again this takes time, meaning you should begin the process as quickly as possible.

Contact a Silicosis Attorney

If your silica exposure came as the result of your line of work or due to a medical equipment malfunction, you may want to contact a silicosis attorney, such as Greg Alexander. You could have grounds for a lawsuit. Silicosis is a serious medical condition that costs a great deal to treat and will require lifelong maintenance and treatment.

Because of this, a silicosis attorney can help you to get the compensation that you deserve for your injury and medical condition. Many of these attorneys will offer a free initial consultation to discuss your options and determine if you have a silicosis case worthy of pursuing. If you decide to work together, they will begin the process of filing a lawsuit for you and walk you through the steps you need to take to gather information and documentation about your condition and the circumstances that caused your condition.

With these tips in mind, you can begin the process of dealing with the silicosis that is affecting your life and do the best that you can do given the circumstances.
