The Dos And Don’ts Of Setting And Enforcing Safety Rules At A Kid’s Birthday Party

Most parents want to go all out when it comes to their kid's birthday parties. After all, it's only natural to want your child to enjoy all that their big day has to offer. One of the most important parts of hosting a birthday party for kids, though, is setting and enforcing safety rules. Personal injury lawyers know all too well about the negative consequences of letting kids loose in potentially unsafe conditions. When you play it safe instead, you can ensure that all the guests are more likely to stay safe, so the fun can go on longer. Consider these dos and don'ts when setting and keeping the ground rules of your child's party.

Don't Let Kids Have Free Reign of Your Home

Although some people can get shy about setting certain areas as designated party zones, it's an important part of hosting a party for kids in your own home. Don't let children run amok throughout your home or you may soon find yourself setting an appointment to go with them to a personal injury lawyer's office. Instead, announce that there are designated party areas in a fun way. You may refer to the party areas as the "dance floor" or "birthday club." That way, kids know that it's a fun area that they should be in.

Do Set Strict Rules If Letting Kids in Your Pool

If your child wants to have a pool party to celebrate their birthday, you have a bouquet of other potential safety issues. You should set guidelines for a poolside birthday party that include the following rules for the kids:

  1. All kids who want to get near the pool must already know how to swim
  2. No diving is allowed.
  3. Stay clear of drain covers.
  4. No running anywhere near the pool.
  5. Swim with a partner at all times.

Also, make sure that your pool water is clean and clear and the pool is enclosed by a fence that is at least four feet in height. If in doubt about all the things that you need to protect yourself in the event of a pool party, you may want to consult a personal injury lawyer to be sure that you are taking all the logical precautions to keep your young party-goers safe and protect yourself from potential lawsuits. Lastly, don't let anyone in the pool if you don't have someone who is trained to deal with aquatic emergencies on hand.

Don't Leave Kids Unsupervised for Any Length of Time

While it can be tempting to leave your children alone to play, it's not a good idea to leave kids to their own devices at a birthday party. If they let spills stay on the ground, that could lead to falls and injuries. If they start to play rough, someone can hit their head on the edge of a table. Any number of accidents can occur, so be sure to supervise large groups of children at a party.

Finally, keep in mind that it's okay to let your friends' kids know what is and isn't acceptable behavior while in your home. Although it can feel uncomfortable taking an authoritative position with your friends' kids, safety needs to come first. You'll probably find that things go on just as jovially as they did before even when you have to take a second to redirect a kid's behavior to something more positive and safe.

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