Motorists Are Almost Always At Fault After Hitting A Cyclist

With bicycle accident cases that involve collisions with motor vehicles, the operator of the motor vehicle is almost always at fault. Motorists are expected to show due care when operating a motor vehicle nearby a cyclist and are usually at fault for an accident when it does occur. However, you shouldn't assume that the auto insurance provider will not work as hard as possible to place the blame on you instead.

The Auto Insurance Provider Will Still Try to Blame You

Auto insurance providers are in the business of making money. This requires that they pay the lowest settlements possible when their policyholders are involved in accidents. They almost always have teams of lawyers working with them to do everything possible to protect the interests of their clients.

Because most accidents involving cyclists and motorists are the fault of the motorist, it's important to make sure that you aren't tricked into accepting blame for the accident. Instead, you'll want to receive medical treatment as quickly as possible and you will then want to fight for your rights.

Take Your Injuries Very Seriously

Bicycle accidents involving a motor vehicle will usually lead to much more serious injuries. For one, your head won't be protected unless you have a helmet. Even with a helmet, your head might suffer a serious injury because of the force of the impact during the bicycle accident. 

Even if the car only bumps your bicycle, you may fall off and injure yourself. Injuries caused by falling off a bike should never be taken lightly because they can be more severe than you might think. You may be entitled to a substantial settlement if you speak with a bicycle accident lawyer right away.

Hire a Bicycle Accident Lawyer Today

The reason why it's so important to speak with a bicycle accident lawyer quickly is that evidence can quickly disappear. If the evidence disappears, you might not be able to negotiate a settlement that is as high as you'd normally receive. 

When looking for an accident law firm, it's important to make sure that the law firm you select is experienced with handling bicycle accident cases and has a history of obtaining large settlements. With how many cyclists are hit by cars each year, there are a surprising number of cases like yours. However, you will want to act quickly. In many states, there is a very short statute of limitations for civil cases. 

For more information, contact a local firm like Richard Blundell Law Office.
