What Should A Passenger Do After Being Injured During A Cruise?

When you are injured on a cruise ship, you might find it difficult to determine the next steps. You are on international waters and might wonder what jurisdiction the cruise ship will be under. It's important to contact a lawyer who specializes in handling cruise accidents and the injuries that result from them.

Many Accidents Result from Passengers Slipping and Falling

One of the most common injuries on a cruise ship is slip-and-fall accidents. The conditions might have been far too slippery, and the cruise line didn't take reasonable steps to make the ship safer. 

Liability After a Cruise Ship Accident

Passengers of cruise ships have the right to receive compensation for their injuries if they meet specific obligations. For one, you will need to prove that the owner of the cruise ship knew there was a dangerous situation and did nothing to prevent it.

A cruise ship is considered a common carrier when a cruise ship accident happens. They must protect passengers from crime and unreasonably dangerous situations. 

Your Cruise Ship Ticket and the Contract

When you purchase a ticket, you will probably have signed a contract. One requirement is usually that you must agree to notify the at-fault party of any injuries as quickly as possible. There might be a deadline, and you will lose your right to file a lawsuit if you don't file by the deadline. 

Understand the Laws That Might Affect Your Case

Most cruise lines register their cruises with foreign nations and fly flags. Therefore, the country where the cruise is registered might affect the laws governing cruise lines within that nation. Therefore, you will want to speak with an experienced cruise ship passenger injury lawyer about building a strong case.

The First Steps to Take After Your Accident

After the accident, contact the authorities and wait for them to arrive. If you are injured, wait for medical services to arrive. Doing so will establish a record of the accident and your injuries.

How an Attorney Can Help

Most cruise lines have large and expensive legal teams. It's very difficult to go up against them without your legal counsel. You must gather evidence to prove that the other party was liable. You'll need to know the legal arguments that would be effective in a courtroom. 

Your attorney will then help you calculate your damages to seek full compensation for your injuries.

Contact a cruise ship passenger accident injury lawyer to learn more. 
